Monday, May 2, 2011

Women in the Military

For years women have been in the military but serving with common feminine jobs such as nurses. In the later years up to today, these roles have changed and gave women almost equal opportunity to serve as men. There are only few areas in the military that do not permit women such as some areas of ground battle. Some women do choose their military job in ground battle but only few areas actually have the slots open for women.
Women in the military is a wonderful thing and equal opportunity should be a choice of the woman not the choice made for her because the job might be “too stressful” for a woman to handle. If indeed a woman requests to choose a stressful job, she will be fully prepared and equipped for her duties. The military should not put restrictions on women because not all women are the same and can handle situations differently.
The other issue for women in the military is family life and starting to have a family while in the military. People worry how having children will then affect a woman’s mind frame when it comes time to have to leave her family and possibly leave her new born child in result of her job. This often puts women in a stressful position creating more problems for her in job and when she comes home. Women who do not choose an area with combat tend to move up in ranks and become very successful in their career in the military. I feel this issue has gotten alot less severe over recent years and that women should have equal opportunities as men, especially in the military. Who is to say that one gender can protect and save the country while the other cant, to me that just isn't right.


  1. I agree that there should be no gender discrimination in the military. If a woman wants to participate in ground battle or other restricted branches of the military, it is her right to do so. There should be no reason that women are held back from it if they are able to prove fit for the job. It is nice to see how much women in the military has changed over the last few decades, but they still are not to the "equal" level of men. I agree with you that it is not right to say that women are less capable than men to protect and serve to defend and save their country. Hopefully in the future we will see a change in this as well.

  2. This is very good topic. I agree that women in military have to have the same opportunities as men. They have rights to choose what to do. Hopefully, this idea will be found more in society.

  3. As a female in the military I agree. There are a lot more slots we are allowed in but we still are not allowed to be Navy Seals, Special Forces (on ground battle), and other positions as well. No matter what job is given, training needs to take place and I feel that women can do the training just as the men can. I have been deployed twice and both times I have met men who are very homesick and miss their children. So it works both ways but the military has not accepted that as of yet. One guy was so homesick that he killed himself on Christmas. Everyone gets stressed, its how we deal with it that matters. On my last deployment I was in the mortuary section. It was a very hard stressful job and there were many days that all I wanted to do is cry but I got through it by talking about it and doing things that I enjoyed. I am glad you wrote about this topic.
