Monday, May 2, 2011

Women and Birthcontrol

There are a lot of people nowadays that are against women using contraceptives. They feel it interrupts the natural process of conceiving and this is not what God would want. Religion clearly plays a factor to why women should not use contraceptives. Those who agree that women should not use birth control are usually for this because they do not believe women should be having sex until they are married and then should abstain until then. In our world today, premarital sex is practiced far more than it was in previous years or so we know. If a couple who is not married or even planning to get married but do not want children who is to say they can’t prevent this from happening?
What many fail to understand that it is the woman’s right to her body to determine if she wants to prevent children or have them. Also the cost of living, health care, and child care is increasing which makes it entirely more expensive to have a family. Some women who also work often and do not have the time to have children also have the right to be on birth control until she is ready to take the time for a family and not spend as much time working. I personally believe that it is a woman's choice, while I was raised not to have premarital sex, and not to use contraceptives, I also realize we are in a totally different society now than when these beliefs first came about. There would be several global problems as well if we did not have birth control our world would be entirely over populated causing greater crime and poverty in third world countries. Birth control is a need in certain circumstances and it is a woman’s right to choose what they want to do.

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