Monday, May 2, 2011

Significance of Title IX

Back to Title IX, this also plays a major role in the education for women. In the 1970’s, universities and colleges were denying women admission to their facility. The unfairness of financial aid and admissions is less common in our day due to Title IX, which allowed more balance and women are now earning degrees at a much higher rate, in fields that were traditionally male dominated only in earlier years.
You still see the discrimination because there are still fields of work that are predominantly males. You more so hear of women being a nurse over a doctor or a elementary teacher over a professor. Even though there are some women in these fields and the number of women seeking higher education is increasing, these fields are still for the most part male dominated. In society today, it is not uncommon to have a female doctor, surgeon, dentist, construction worker, engineer and so on. Women are starting to take on jobs other than the “female” dominate positions such as nurses, childcare workers, cooks etc.
Universities now are proud to have successful women and men and not just taking pride in the men as they used to. Universities and colleges are making it easier for women to get a degree by having day care centers and working with class schedules for women who do have families. The professors and school give lenience to women who have families and young children at home. Today we are seeing more and more women taking on an education to better their families they have or wanting to have. As a society we are slowly getting away from our traditional beliefs and becoming more modern, and with that we are getting closer everyday to a better balance between degree of education, and wages. I hope that more policies such as Title IX are approved in the future so that there will be an even greater balance.

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